When can a doctor refuse to see a patient?
The situation when a medical worker refuses to treat a patient is not uncommon in…

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How to soothe a toothache
Many people want to know how to soothe a toothache that can knock out any…

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What is a nebulizer
What is a nebulizer and what is its purpose are of interest to many people.…

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How artificial intelligence is used in the development of patient treatment regimens: the US experience
An AI-assisted pneumonia care scheme has already saved a U.S. clinic $1,356 per patient, reduced…


Competition between doctors: who wins?
As part of the reform of the healthcare system in Ukraine, the issue of a…


adenosine triphosphate

Dark circles under the eyes

Dark circles under the eyes occur as a reaction of the body to various negative factors: severe fatigue, prolonged stress, exacerbation of a chronic disease. As a rule, when the condition normalizes, they disappear without causing much concern, but sometimes they persist for a fairly long period. You have to make an effort to get rid of them.

We bring to your attention interesting medical facts on this important topic for many women and men. Continue reading

Dark circles under the eyes
Dark circles under the eyes occur as a reaction of the body to various negative…


Dark circles under the eyes
Dark circles under the eyes occur as a reaction of the body to various negative…
