Raw food diet
A raw food diet is a food system that is characterized by the complete exclusion…

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Why you shouldn't sit with your legs crossed
How do you like to sit? Most people have a habit of sitting in a…

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"Krok 3": how an internship doctor can prepare for an exam using the Doctor Booster app
As part of the next expansion of functions, the developers of Doctor Booster offered application…

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Causes of fatigue after sleep
Everyone knows the feeling of fatigue, lethargy and some irritability, which sometimes happens after sleep.…


Palm oil
If you have ever thought about what we eat every day, then surely the topic…



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First aid
Everyone should know how to give first aid to someone who needs it. We are…


Pasta Amosova
Pasta Amosova is a real panacea for all diseases. Its uniqueness lies in the fact…
