Since the beginning of the 21st century, science has made a huge breakthrough in all…

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How to get rid of dandruff
Dandruff is one of the most common cosmetic problems. However, you can solve it if…

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What is osteochondrosis
If you are interested in interesting medical facts, then we offer you a short overview…

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How to get rid of snoring
In fact, snoring is a very serious problem, and as you can imagine, it is…


Competition between doctors: who wins?
As part of the reform of the healthcare system in Ukraine, the issue of a…


advantage of advice

Dark circles under the eyes

Dark circles under the eyes occur as a reaction of the body to various negative factors: severe fatigue, prolonged stress, exacerbation of a chronic disease. As a rule, when the condition normalizes, they disappear without causing much concern, but sometimes they persist for a fairly long period. You have to make an effort to get rid of them.

We bring to your attention interesting medical facts on this important topic for many women and men. Continue reading

Why you shouldn't sit with your legs crossed
How do you like to sit? Most people have a habit of sitting in a…


Interesting facts about vitamins
Interesting facts about vitamins will cover a wide variety of topics, including biochemistry, medicine, nutrition…
