Buteyko method
Few people know that Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko, who was born in 1923 in the Kharkov…

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Psychosomatics: how emotions affect health
Surely each of you has heard the expression: "All diseases are from the nerves." And…

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What is a nebulizer
What is a nebulizer and what is its purpose are of interest to many people.…

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"Krok 3": how an internship doctor can prepare for an exam using the Doctor Booster app
As part of the next expansion of functions, the developers of Doctor Booster offered application…


Raw food diet
A raw food diet is a food system that is characterized by the complete exclusion…



Continuing professional development (CPD) for doctors: there is no limit to perfection

What will change?
The principle of continuous training of doctors is a common practice in the developed countries of Europe, America and Asia, in particular in the UK, USA, Poland, Czech Republic, Sweden, Singapore and others. For Ukrainian doctors, such a component will begin to operate in 2019.

What changes await medical workers?
For example, previously a Ukrainian doctor had to undergo mandatory monthly courses before certification, which is carried out every five years – while three years after certification were actually a time of “rest” from professional improvement. Continue reading

When can a doctor refuse to see a patient?

The situation when a medical worker refuses to treat a patient is not uncommon in Ukrainian medicine. But more often doctors do not know their rights and tolerate inadequate patients to the last. And only a few turn to chief doctors or lawyers for help. We decided to help doctors, and especially beginners, and remind about what cases a health worker can refuse to treat a patient and what conditions he needs to fulfill in order to protect himself from legal prosecution.
Routine rules Continue reading

The life of a doctor - remote consultations with patients
According to the National Strategy for Reforming the Health Care System in Ukraine, primary care…


How to clean your ears
How to clean your ears, and how to do it right? This question is of…
