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Bad breath

Today we will consider an interesting topic related to medicine in general and dental health in particular. We will talk about bad breath, which is scientifically called halitosis.


We will analyze the causes of this problem, and also find out what needs to be done in order to overcome it.

You can often see advertisements in the media on how to deal with this unpleasant phenomenon. This includes various chewing gums, sprays, lozenges, etc.

But all these methods are not very effective, because in order to get rid of the problem, it is necessary to establish the cause of its occurrence.

Causes of bad breath
According to most experts, the first reason is insufficient hydration of the oral cavity. That is, due to a lack of fluid, the body is simply not able to produce a sufficient volume of saliva. Because of this, the keratinized cells of the tongue die off and become food for bacteria.

Based on this principle, halitosis can occur as a result of any decay processes inside the oral cavity. Here you should be aware of the smallest pieces of food that remain in the teeth and become a source of food for bacteria.

Smoking has long been known to be one of the most common causes of bad breath. Another reason for the stench can be the wrong diet.

So if a person begins to adhere to any rigid diet or even starve, then this can lead to the fact that the body begins to consume the available fat. As a result, ketones are formed, which subsequently will cause a bad smell.

Naturally, various diseases also affect the occurrence of halitosis. This may be damage to the liver, kidneys, lungs or diabetes. The latter may also be indicated by a pronounced smell of acetone from the mouth.

It is also interesting that by smell you can quite clearly determine the disease that exists inside the body.

For example, if there is a smell of rotten eggs in the mouth, then this indicates rotting proteins. If, along with these signs, any pain in the stomach begins to appear, as well as nausea or unpleasant belching, then we can talk about gastritis or even an ulcer.

The smell of iron can indicate periodontal disease, in which the gums usually bleed. The smell of iodine indicates its large accumulation in the body. This is a sure sign that it’s time to see a specialist.

In general, the presence of any putrid odor from the mouth should be an occasion to think about stomach diseases. If the human body suffers from such ailments as dysbacteriosis or intestinal dyskinesia, then the smell of feces from the mouth is possible.

A bitter smell can indicate a painful condition of the kidneys, and a sour smell can indicate the occurrence of an ulcer.

It should be noted that bacteria appear not only on the surface of the tongue, but also in the areas between the teeth and gums. Any cavity can turn into a place where anaerobic bacteria will multiply, which can only be eliminated with the help of a good doctor. Another point worth paying attention to is a disease of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. If pus forms inside it, then in this case the person has to breathe not through the nose, but through the mouth, which leads to an increase in dryness of the oral cavity.

As a rule, it is easier to notice bad breath in the morning because less saliva is produced during sleep. Because of this, the mouth becomes dry, therefore, the number of bacteria increases. As a result, the unpleasant smell becomes the most pronounced.

By the way, insufficient salivation, accompanied by increased dryness of the oral mucosa, is a disease, and is called xerostomia.

How to know about smell
But how do you know if your mouth smells bad? If for some reason you do not feel fresh breath, then the easiest way, of course, is to ask another person about it. But there are some pretty practical ways to help determine the true state of your breathing.

To get started, you can just look in the mirror and check if there is a white coating on the surface of the tongue. It’s also effective to lick one of your wrists, and then sniff it a few seconds later.

You can also take a regular spoon and run it over the surface of the tongue so that saliva remains on it. After waiting until it dries, you can quite accurately understand what it smells like in your mouth.

How to get rid of bad smell
Before considering how you can get rid of bad breath, it is important to understand that it is unlikely that it will be possible to permanently eliminate bad breath.

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