Medical Facts

Cancer diagnosis and cancer prevention
Unfortunately, many people continue to die from cancer, regardless of whether they are poor or…

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Interesting facts about vitamins
Interesting facts about vitamins will cover a wide variety of topics, including biochemistry, medicine, nutrition…

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How to get rid of black dots
Everyone wants to be beautiful and have an attractive appearance, but many factors can prevent…

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Interesting facts about the common cold
You may already know some facts about the common cold. We recommend that everyone read…


How doctors in the US feel about electronic medical systems: a study
In March of this year, Stanford Medicine, together with The Harris Poll, conducted an interesting…


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How artificial intelligence is used in the development of patient treatment regimens: the US experience

An AI-assisted pneumonia care scheme has already saved a U.S. clinic $1,356 per patient, reduced hospital stays by two days, and significantly reduced hospital return visits.
Flagler Hospital in St. Augustine, Florida is using artificial intelligence to improve the treatment of pneumonia, sepsis and a dozen other costly, high-mortality diseases.

Typically, AI is used by large academic medical centers rather than public hospitals. But Flagler Hospital also decided to use it. Continue reading

In Australia, you can install an IIA, regardless of the size and type of medical business

After reading these disciplines, students go to practice in a clinic (in our college, for example, this happens in the second year), which is attached to the educational institution. There they learn not only to treat people, but also to keep records of clients, fill out electronic medical records. In addition, students periodically work at the reception, where they are taught how to meet patients, answer calls, make appointments for patients, accept payment for services, sell special goods, etc. Also, future therapists should be able to open and close the cash register, check debit with credit, etc.

– That is, students are also taught accounting skills? Continue reading

Healthcare is one of the disciplines that benefits the most from technological innovation.

Renowned practical futurist Michael Rogers claims that IT is well positioned to fundamentally transform “total healthcare delivery.” He expressed this opinion in a podcast on the Healthcare IT News website.

“Health care is one of the disciplines that benefits the most from technological innovation and just in time, because the wheels come off,” M. Rogers drew an analogy with flying cars. Continue reading

Continuing professional development (CPD) for doctors: there is no limit to perfection

What will change?
The principle of continuous training of doctors is a common practice in the developed countries of Europe, America and Asia, in particular in the UK, USA, Poland, Czech Republic, Sweden, Singapore and others. For Ukrainian doctors, such a component will begin to operate in 2019.

What changes await medical workers?
For example, previously a Ukrainian doctor had to undergo mandatory monthly courses before certification, which is carried out every five years – while three years after certification were actually a time of “rest” from professional improvement. Continue reading

When can a doctor refuse to see a patient?

The situation when a medical worker refuses to treat a patient is not uncommon in Ukrainian medicine. But more often doctors do not know their rights and tolerate inadequate patients to the last. And only a few turn to chief doctors or lawyers for help. We decided to help doctors, and especially beginners, and remind about what cases a health worker can refuse to treat a patient and what conditions he needs to fulfill in order to protect himself from legal prosecution.
Routine rules Continue reading

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Competition between doctors: who wins?
As part of the reform of the healthcare system in Ukraine, the issue of a…


The life of a doctor - remote consultations with patients
According to the National Strategy for Reforming the Health Care System in Ukraine, primary care…
