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Why you shouldn’t sit with your legs crossed

How do you like to sit? Most people have a habit of sitting in a certain posture. This is due to our physiological characteristics, position in society and other factors.

What if you cross one leg over the other? After all, it’s convenient! And then, most people find this pose very attractive when performed by women. But everything is not as simple and unambiguous as it seems at first glance.

Delving into the intricacies of medicine, we are faced with certain statements and facts that tell us that we should not sit with our legs crossed. After all, it is directly related to our health.

Now let’s get the facts.

The habit of sitting cross-legged for a long time can lead to peroneal nerve palsy or just paralysis. Even the usual, but frequent and prolonged crossing of the legs leads to this disease. Of course, you can object that people have been sitting like this for centuries and nothing has happened to them. However, we should not forget that we are talking about the modern world, where a huge number of people spend 9 hours a day in sedentary work. And in this context, a certain habit of sitting is already of great importance.

By the way, in 2010, scientists proved that the tendency to constantly sit in a cross-legged position leads to an increase in blood pressure. Therefore, in order to avoid potential problems with blood circulation in the future, it is better to get rid of this habit in advance.

It is important to understand that by constantly being in an appropriate sitting position, you are harming your pelvis. The inner thigh muscles become shorter, and the outer thigh muscles become longer. As a result, the joints, sooner or later, begin to suffer from this.

In addition, throwing your legs over your legs, you pinch the veins, which can lead to the appearance of varicose veins. This is explained quite simply: crossed legs increase pressure in the veins, which causes narrowing of the vessels themselves. The blood thickens and the veins swell.

And finally, regularly being in this position, you negatively affect the spine. And this entails from elementary discomfort and back pain, to the development of stoop and more serious problems.

In conclusion, I would only like to add that almost all ancient Eastern practices related to the development of the body categorically forbid crossing or throwing legs one over the other. The condition invariably sounds like this: put your feet together.

If you have reasoned objections – bring them in the comments. If not, take into account the facts described in the article and try to develop the habit of sitting with a straight back and feet together.

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