Causes of fatigue after sleep
Everyone knows the feeling of fatigue, lethargy and some irritability, which sometimes happens after sleep.…

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How much does it cost to open a medical center?
Ukrainian health care is now in the stage of active reform. The need for changes…

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Dark circles under the eyes
Dark circles under the eyes occur as a reaction of the body to various negative…

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Interesting facts about the common cold
You may already know some facts about the common cold. We recommend that everyone read…


Psychosomatics: how emotions affect health
Surely each of you has heard the expression: "All diseases are from the nerves." And…


American doctors

How to soothe a toothache

Many people want to know how to soothe a toothache that can knock out any person from the rhythm of life. After all, it is considered one of the most painful and unbearable. When a person has an acute toothache, he is no longer interested in all things, not to mention entertainment.

The surest way to soothe a toothache is to go to the dentist. But what if the problem appears at night, and medical services can only be resorted to in the morning? Continue reading

How a doctor can save smartphone memory: recommendations from Doctor Booster

Doctors who actively use a smartphone are constantly faced with the problem of lack of device memory. Communicating with patients through Messagers, sending and receiving photos or other files from them – all this very quickly reduces the space available on the smartphone, and a lot of unnecessary data accumulates in memory, such as cache, history and files, which can cause the device to start slow down or, worse, hang up. Continue reading

How doctors in the US feel about electronic medical systems: a study

In March of this year, Stanford Medicine, together with The Harris Poll, conducted an interesting study in which they tried to find out exactly how doctors in the United States relate to EHR systems – analogues of medical information systems in Ukraine (MIS).

The study involved 521 primary care physicians, that is, family and general practitioners, as well as interns. All physicians at that time were licensed to practice medicine in the United States and had been using HIS for at least a month. Continue reading

Competition between doctors: who wins?
As part of the reform of the healthcare system in Ukraine, the issue of a…


Foods for the brain
The products for the brain, which we will consider in this article, contribute to the…
