10 Interesting Medical Facts
Medicine, of course, concerns each of us. And today we bring to your attention the…

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How to clean your ears
How to clean your ears, and how to do it right? This question is of…

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Continuing professional development (CPD) for doctors: there is no limit to perfection
What will change? The principle of continuous training of doctors is a common practice in…

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Causes of fatigue after sleep
Everyone knows the feeling of fatigue, lethargy and some irritability, which sometimes happens after sleep.…


The main thing is that the doctor is adequate and professional.
Recently, in Ukraine, more and more primary care physicians choose private practice. As experience shows,…


excruciating pain

What is osteochondrosis

If you are interested in interesting medical facts, then we offer you a short overview of what osteochondrosis is.

This compound word comes from two Greek words: “Osteo” – bone, and “Chondros” – cartilage. Let’s try to understand what kind of disease it is and why it happens.

In simple terms, osteochondrosis is a disease that is accompanied by damage to the cartilage in the joints. Moreover, this can happen almost anywhere in the human musculoskeletal system. Continue reading

Why does hair fall out

Why does hair fall out? This question is asked by many people, since the problem is always relevant. In this article, we will look at the main reasons for this phenomenon. Read interesting facts about hair here.

It is worth noting that 50-100 fallen hairs per day are considered the norm. However, if their number exceeds this number, then this may indicate alopecia – a hair disease that leads to baldness. Continue reading

In Australia, you can install an IIA, regardless of the size and type of medical business
After reading these disciplines, students go to practice in a clinic (in our college, for…


What is a nebulizer
What is a nebulizer and what is its purpose are of interest to many people.…
