The main thing is that the doctor is adequate and professional.
Recently, in Ukraine, more and more primary care physicians choose private practice. As experience shows,…

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Cancer diagnosis and cancer prevention
Unfortunately, many people continue to die from cancer, regardless of whether they are poor or…

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Why does hair fall out
Why does hair fall out? This question is asked by many people, since the problem…

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Interesting facts about vitamins
Interesting facts about vitamins will cover a wide variety of topics, including biochemistry, medicine, nutrition…


What is osteochondrosis
If you are interested in interesting medical facts, then we offer you a short overview…


budgetary clinics

Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation

Many women who are sexually active are interested in the question: is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation? It would seem that the problem is to wait a little while these days pass! But the fact is that for many girls it is during menstruation that the sexual instinct intensifies.

This entails quite natural thoughts regarding intimacy with her husband. But here there are fears associated with an unplanned pregnancy. And during menstruation is it generally possible, or not? We will try to answer this question in this article. Continue reading

How to increase testosterone

Surely all men sooner or later ask themselves the question: how to increase testosterone? This issue is especially relevant in the 21st century, when nutrition, ecology and poor heredity make themselves felt by the younger generation.

However, testosterone can be increased by various methods, the most reliable of which is the natural method. This is what we will talk about, and first we will define the concept of testosterone. Continue reading

How to convince the patient to follow the doctor's orders?
Medical reform is in full swing in Ukraine. Clinics purchase computer equipment, install MIS, doctors…


How artificial intelligence is used in the development of patient treatment regimens: the US experience
An AI-assisted pneumonia care scheme has already saved a U.S. clinic $1,356 per patient, reduced…
