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Back pain in the lower back

Today, many people complain that they have back pain in the lumbar region. In fact, this problem is very common. Women are more likely to suffer from back pain than men.

In this article, we will look at the most common causes of back pain in the lower back, as well as discuss the various ways to treat this ailment.

But before starting, it should be recalled that medicine is an individual matter that requires a professional approach. Therefore, if you have back pain in the lower back “in a serious way”, then it is better to contact the appropriate doctor.

Causes of back pain in the lower back
First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that back pain can appear as a result of the conditions in which a person lives, his work, as well as his attitude to life. Some of the possible causes of back pain in the lower back can be:

Weak muscles of the body;
High growth;
Certain professions (driver, office worker);
Mental disorders;
Work in which a person has to use the torso and often bend down.
Some causes of back pain in the lower back may not pose a big threat to health. However, there are some that need to be treated.

Why does the back hurt in the lower back
According to doctors, pain in the lumbar region may be the result of any disease. Therefore, the patient should undergo a diagnosis to find out about a possible illness.

Doctors divide this syndrome into two categories: primary (musculoskeletal morphofunctional disorders associated with spinal injuries) and secondary (back pain provoked by various pathologies).

Now it is worth discussing each category in more detail. Primary pain syndrome may include:

Osteochondrosis. With osteochondrosis in the human body, bone tissues and cartilage are affected. As a result, this leads to displacement of the intervertebral disc and the vertebrae around it.
Spondylarthrosis. With this disease, the intervertebral joints are affected, which reduce the mobility of the spinal column. People suffering from spondylarthrosis suffer from back pain in the lower back, usually in the morning.
The secondary syndrome includes:

Scoliosis, as well as some diseases that negatively affect growth.
Bone damage caused by a metabolic disorder, such as osteomalacia or osteoporosis.
Inflammatory processes that did not appear due to infection.
Tumors that form on the spine.
Vertebral fracture. In this case, back pain in the lumbar region can be especially severe, since nerves can be pinched with such fractures.
Infectious pathologies: tuberculosis, brucellosis, etc.
stroke condition. In such a state in the human body there is a violation of the spinal circulation.
Diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract.
Diseases of the internal organs located in the small pelvis (kidneys, genitourinary system).
Pathologies in men
Men can have back pain in the lumbar region for the following reasons:

Prostatitis, as a result of which the prostate gland becomes inflamed.
Malignant tumors. Most often they appear in men who have overcome the fifty-year threshold.
Hyperplasia of the genital organs, leading to the growth of certain cells.
Pathologies in women
Pathologies of the genital organs (uterine fibroids, trichomoniasis, etc.).
Pain during menses. In this case, in addition to pain in the lower back, swelling can also form.
Pregnancy. Since many changes occur in the female body during the gestation of the fetus, expectant mothers may feel unpleasant back pain.

Lower back pain caused by pregnancy
The causes of lower back pain during pregnancy can be associated with various factors:

Hormonal changes. During pregnancy, the level of relaxin in girls increases, which leads to weakening of the ligaments and joints. For this reason, they may not withstand additional load.
Fetal enlargement. The more the fetus grows in the womb, the more the center of gravity shifts. As a result, the entire load falls on the spine.

Discomfort after childbirth
However, back pain in the lumbar region can occur not only during pregnancy, but also after childbirth. Below are the most common causes of pain.

During the period of gestation, some internal organs are shifted to the sides. For this reason, the muscles holding them are stretched. It must be understood that most of the organs are attached precisely to the vertebrae. So, for some time after childbirth, a woman may be bothered by back pain in the lower back.
Stretching the abdominal muscles. Even after the birth of a child, the mother’s abdominal muscles continue to be in a state of tension.
Excess weight gained during pregnancy.
Bone displacement. This happens at the very beginning of labor to protect the fetus from injury.

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