Signs of early pregnancy
Every girl dreams of giving birth and raising a child. However, at the first conception,…

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Raw food diet
A raw food diet is a food system that is characterized by the complete exclusion…

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Interesting facts about blood
Interesting facts about human blood are not known to many. But this precious liquid ensures…

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Healthcare is one of the disciplines that benefits the most from technological innovation.
Renowned practical futurist Michael Rogers claims that IT is well positioned to fundamentally transform "total…


Interesting facts about the common cold
You may already know some facts about the common cold. We recommend that everyone read…



Pasta Amosova

Pasta Amosova is a real panacea for all diseases. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it plays the role of a powerful immunity booster.

In medicine, for some reason, this tool has faded into the background, giving way to expensive, and often much less effective pharmaceuticals.

First, a little history about the origin of Amosov’s pasta, and then we will give you a classic recipe for this unique remedy.

How Amosov’s pasta appeared Continue reading

How to get rid of black dots

Everyone wants to be beautiful and have an attractive appearance, but many factors can prevent this.

Today we will talk about black dots that appear on the surface of the body, both during puberty and at a later time.

This article will be of interest to those who are faced with a similar problem, and those who are simply interested in medicine. We will talk about the causes of blackheads and effective ways to eliminate them. Continue reading

In Australia, you can install an IIA, regardless of the size and type of medical business
After reading these disciplines, students go to practice in a clinic (in our college, for…


Since the beginning of the 21st century, science has made a huge breakthrough in all…
