Interesting facts about the common cold
You may already know some facts about the common cold. We recommend that everyone read…

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Interesting facts about blood
Interesting facts about human blood are not known to many. But this precious liquid ensures…

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First aid
Everyone should know how to give first aid to someone who needs it. We are…

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Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation
Many women who are sexually active are interested in the question: is it possible to…


How much does it cost to open a medical center?
Ukrainian health care is now in the stage of active reform. The need for changes…


Cloud Media Library

How a doctor can save smartphone memory: recommendations from Doctor Booster

Doctors who actively use a smartphone are constantly faced with the problem of lack of device memory. Communicating with patients through Messagers, sending and receiving photos or other files from them – all this very quickly reduces the space available on the smartphone, and a lot of unnecessary data accumulates in memory, such as cache, history and files, which can cause the device to start slow down or, worse, hang up. Continue reading

How to get rid of dandruff
Dandruff is one of the most common cosmetic problems. However, you can solve it if…


"Krok 3": how an internship doctor can prepare for an exam using the Doctor Booster app
As part of the next expansion of functions, the developers of Doctor Booster offered application…
