Pasta Amosova
Pasta Amosova is a real panacea for all diseases. Its uniqueness lies in the fact…

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First aid
Everyone should know how to give first aid to someone who needs it. We are…

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Healthcare is one of the disciplines that benefits the most from technological innovation.
Renowned practical futurist Michael Rogers claims that IT is well positioned to fundamentally transform "total…

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Why does hair fall out
Why does hair fall out? This question is asked by many people, since the problem…


How to get rid of dandruff
Dandruff is one of the most common cosmetic problems. However, you can solve it if…



How to clean your ears

How to clean your ears, and how to do it right? This question is of interest to anyone who cares about his health.

In general, it is very important for a person to monitor hygiene, and ears are one of the most important organs that need careful care. Medicine has been talking about this since ancient times.

The sulfur coating that we are so eager to get rid of is a light brown substance produced by the sebaceous glands of the auditory canal. Continue reading

Why does hair fall out
Why does hair fall out? This question is asked by many people, since the problem…


Medical reform
What exactly will change and where can I get fresh and up-to-date information? First of…
