Psychosomatics: how emotions affect health
Surely each of you has heard the expression: "All diseases are from the nerves." And…

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Competition between doctors: who wins?
As part of the reform of the healthcare system in Ukraine, the issue of a…

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When can a doctor refuse to see a patient?
The situation when a medical worker refuses to treat a patient is not uncommon in…

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How much does it cost to open a medical center?
Ukrainian health care is now in the stage of active reform. The need for changes…


Why you shouldn't sit with your legs crossed
How do you like to sit? Most people have a habit of sitting in a…


significantly reduced

What is osteochondrosis

If you are interested in interesting medical facts, then we offer you a short overview of what osteochondrosis is.

This compound word comes from two Greek words: “Osteo” – bone, and “Chondros” – cartilage. Let’s try to understand what kind of disease it is and why it happens.

In simple terms, osteochondrosis is a disease that is accompanied by damage to the cartilage in the joints. Moreover, this can happen almost anywhere in the human musculoskeletal system. Continue reading

Pasta Amosova
Pasta Amosova is a real panacea for all diseases. Its uniqueness lies in the fact…


Causes of fatigue after sleep
Everyone knows the feeling of fatigue, lethargy and some irritability, which sometimes happens after sleep.…
