Medical Facts

Psychosomatics: how emotions affect health
Surely each of you has heard the expression: "All diseases are from the nerves." And…

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Bad breath
Today we will consider an interesting topic related to medicine in general and dental health…

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When can a doctor refuse to see a patient?
The situation when a medical worker refuses to treat a patient is not uncommon in…

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How to breathe correctly
Not everyone knows how to breathe correctly, because for the majority this issue does not…


Interesting facts about blood
Interesting facts about human blood are not known to many. But this precious liquid ensures…


10 Interesting Medical Facts

Medicine, of course, concerns each of us. And today we bring to your attention the 10 most interesting medical facts that may seem fantastic to you.

As you know, the normal human body temperature is just below 37 degrees Celsius. An increase of 2-3 degrees can lead to serious consequences, and even lead to death. However, in 1980, American Willie Jones had a body temperature of 46.5 degrees Celsius. Surprisingly, the patient survived, although he had to stay in the hospital for about 1 month. That’s an organism! Continue reading

How to increase testosterone

Surely all men sooner or later ask themselves the question: how to increase testosterone? This issue is especially relevant in the 21st century, when nutrition, ecology and poor heredity make themselves felt by the younger generation.

However, testosterone can be increased by various methods, the most reliable of which is the natural method. This is what we will talk about, and first we will define the concept of testosterone. Continue reading

How to clean your ears
How to clean your ears, and how to do it right? This question is of…


In Australia, you can install an IIA, regardless of the size and type of medical business
After reading these disciplines, students go to practice in a clinic (in our college, for…
