Healthcare is one of the disciplines that benefits the most from technological innovation.
Renowned practical futurist Michael Rogers claims that IT is well positioned to fundamentally transform "total…

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Signs of early pregnancy
Every girl dreams of giving birth and raising a child. However, at the first conception,…

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Interesting facts about blood
Interesting facts about human blood are not known to many. But this precious liquid ensures…

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Why you shouldn't sit with your legs crossed
How do you like to sit? Most people have a habit of sitting in a…


Signs of early pregnancy
Every girl dreams of giving birth and raising a child. However, at the first conception,…


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10 Interesting Medical Facts

Medicine, of course, concerns each of us. And today we bring to your attention the 10 most interesting medical facts that may seem fantastic to you.

As you know, the normal human body temperature is just below 37 degrees Celsius. An increase of 2-3 degrees can lead to serious consequences, and even lead to death. However, in 1980, American Willie Jones had a body temperature of 46.5 degrees Celsius. Surprisingly, the patient survived, although he had to stay in the hospital for about 1 month. That’s an organism! Continue reading

How to clean your ears

How to clean your ears, and how to do it right? This question is of interest to anyone who cares about his health.

In general, it is very important for a person to monitor hygiene, and ears are one of the most important organs that need careful care. Medicine has been talking about this since ancient times.

The sulfur coating that we are so eager to get rid of is a light brown substance produced by the sebaceous glands of the auditory canal. Continue reading

Why does hair fall out

Why does hair fall out? This question is asked by many people, since the problem is always relevant. In this article, we will look at the main reasons for this phenomenon. Read interesting facts about hair here.

It is worth noting that 50-100 fallen hairs per day are considered the norm. However, if their number exceeds this number, then this may indicate alopecia – a hair disease that leads to baldness. Continue reading

Raw food diet
A raw food diet is a food system that is characterized by the complete exclusion…


Coronavirus: What you need to know about COVID-19
Coronavirus, or what you need to know about the new COVID-19 virus, has been one…
